How to OTP on WhatsApp: The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide 2023

12 Min Read

Written by

Raneya Selina

Published on

April 18, 2023

In today’s digital age, One-Time Passwords (OTPs) have become a crucial security tool for verifying user identities, particularly in financial transactions, account logins, and sensitive communications. Traditionally, these OTPs are sent via SMS, ensuring that only the user with the registered phone number can access the account or service. However, traditional OTPs have their drawbacks, such as delays in message delivery, increased vulnerability to SIM-swapping attacks, and SMS network failures. These challenges often disrupt the user experience and compromise security.

This is where WhatsApp OTP comes in. With over 2 billion active users worldwide, WhatsApp provides a faster, more reliable, and secure way to send OTPs. In this guide, we’ll explore WhatsApp OTP, how it differs from SMS OTP, its benefits, and a step-by-step process for sending OTPs through WhatsApp. Let’s dive in and see how WhatsApp revolutionizes how businesses and individuals handle OTPs.

What is WhatsApp OTP?

WhatsApp OTP is a one-time password sent through the WhatsApp messaging platform instead of traditional SMS. Like an SMS OTP, it is used to verify user identity during activities such as account logins, online transactions, or sensitive changes to an account. WhatsApp OTPs offer a more secure and reliable alternative to SMS, with faster delivery and reduced risk of interception or delays. It leverages WhatsApp’s encryption, ensuring that the OTP reaches the intended recipient safely, making it a preferred choice for businesses and users.

WhatsApp OTP vs SMS OTP

When comparing WhatsApp OTP with traditional SMS OTP, several key differences make WhatsApp a more efficient option for many businesses and users:

1. Delivery Speed

WhatsApp OTPs tend to be delivered faster than traditional SMS OTPs. Since WhatsApp operates over an internet connection rather than relying on cellular networks, it bypasses the common delays associated with SMS, especially in areas with poor network coverage. This means users receive their OTPs almost instantly, ensuring a smoother user experience. On the other hand, SMS OTPs may face network delays, especially during peak hours or in regions with unstable network coverage.

2. Security

WhatsApp OTPs provide an added layer of security with end-to-end encryption, ensuring that only the intended recipient can access the OTP. SMS OTPs, however, are more vulnerable to security threats like SIM-swapping, phishing attacks, and network interception. Since WhatsApp messages are encrypted, the risk of OTP theft is significantly reduced, making it a safer option for businesses and users who prioritize data protection and privacy.

3. Reliability

WhatsApp is a globally used platform that provides consistent and reliable delivery of messages. Since it’s internet-based, users are less likely to face issues receiving OTPs, especially in regions where cellular network services might be unstable. SMS OTPs, however, are subject to network disruptions, delivery failures, and delays, mainly when dealing with international phone numbers or areas with patchy cellular coverage.

4. Cost-Effectiveness

Sending OTPs via SMS can be costly for businesses, especially when handling large volumes of messages across different countries. SMS charges, particularly for international numbers, can quickly add up. WhatsApp OTPs, on the other hand, offer a more affordable solution. With the widespread use of WhatsApp across the globe, businesses can cut down on messaging costs, making it an attractive option for those looking to optimize expenses.

Benefits of Sending OTP on WhatsApp

WhatsApp OTPs have become increasingly popular among businesses due to their efficiency, speed, and reliability. WhatsApp provides a secure platform to share OTPs, ensuring a better user experience while addressing the shortcomings of traditional SMS OTPs. Below are ten key benefits of using WhatsApp to send OTPs. You can also read our other blogs, such as the advantages of WhatsApp in your business.

1. Faster Delivery

WhatsApp OTPs are delivered instantly, leveraging the app’s reliable internet-based messaging system. Since it doesn’t rely on cellular networks, users receive OTPs without the delays common with SMS, especially in areas with poor signal or during network congestion. Faster delivery ensures smoother transactions and keeps users engaged, enhancing the overall experience.

2. Improved Security

WhatsApp offers end-to-end encryption for all messages, including OTPs, meaning the message is visible only to the sender and recipient. This level of encryption significantly reduces the risk of interception and fraud, unlike SMS, which is more vulnerable to attacks like SIM-swapping and phishing attempts. With WhatsApp OTPs, businesses can offer a more secure method of verification.

3. Cost-Effectiveness

For businesses that send OTPs in bulk, WhatsApp can be a cost-effective alternative to SMS. Sending OTPs internationally via SMS can be expensive, but since WhatsApp uses the internet, it eliminates those extra charges. Businesses can save on operational costs while maintaining a high level of service, making WhatsApp an appealing choice for global brands.

4. Wider Global Reach

WhatsApp is one of the world’s most widely used messaging platforms, with over 2 billion active users across 180 countries. This extensive reach allows businesses to connect with users globally without worrying about different network providers, ensuring that OTPs are received in real time, no matter where the user is located.

5. User Familiarity and Convenience

Most users are already familiar with WhatsApp, making it a convenient platform for receiving OTPs. There’s no need to switch between apps or search through text messages to find the OTP. Since WhatsApp is widely integrated into everyday communications, users are likelier to open and immediately engage with the message.

6. Message Customization

WhatsApp allows businesses to customize their OTP messages with branding, instructions, or additional information. Unlike SMS, which has limited space and functionality, WhatsApp OTPs can include media, interactive buttons, and other elements to enhance the user experience. This flexibility helps improve engagement and adds a professional touch to your communications.

7. Reduced Fraud and Phishing Risks

WhatsApp’s encryption ensures that only the intended recipient receives and reads the OTP. This significantly reduces the risk of fraud, phishing attempts, and unauthorized access, which are more familiar with traditional SMS OTPs. Businesses using WhatsApp OTPs can offer an extra layer of security, protecting their systems and users.

8. Seamless Integration with Business Tools

WhatsApp OTPs can be easily integrated into existing business systems and chatbots, offering seamless automation for sending OTPs to users. This integration simplifies the business process and ensures customers receive timely messages without manual intervention, enhancing overall efficiency and user experience.

9. Supports Rich Media

Unlike SMS, WhatsApp allows businesses to send OTPs with rich media elements like images, audio, and video. This added functionality can improve the user experience, offering a more interactive and engaging communication process. It also allows businesses to provide additional context or instructions alongside the OTP.

10. Reduced Network Dependencies

Since WhatsApp relies on internet connectivity rather than cellular networks, it works even when network signals are weak or unavailable. Users can receive their OTPs via Wi-Fi or data connections, ensuring poor cellular service does not hinder verification. This makes it a more reliable option, especially in areas with inconsistent mobile network coverage.

How to Send OTP on WhatsApp?

Sending OTPs through WhatsApp using is simple and efficient. Follow the steps below to integrate and automate WhatsApp OTPs into your system:

Step 1: Sign Up for

To start sending OTPs via WhatsApp, you must first sign up for an account with Chatbot. team. Visit their official website, and complete the registration process by providing your business details and contact information.

Step 2: Set Up WhatsApp Business API

Next, you’ll need to configure the WhatsApp Business API. will guide you through acquiring a WhatsApp Business API number, essential for sending automated messages, including OTPs. Once you have the API in place, integrate it into the platform.

Step 3: Create Your OTP Message Template in Authentication

After setting up the API, create a message template for your OTPs. This template should include the OTP message format you intend to send to users. Personalize it with placeholders for dynamic content, such as the OTP code, and comply with WhatsApp’s messaging guidelines for template approval.

Step 4: Configure the OTP Flow

Within, you can configure the OTP flow by linking it to your business processes. You can set the triggers, such as when a user requests a password reset or attempts to log in. Based on these triggers, the system will automatically generate and send an OTP to the user’s WhatsApp number.

Step 5: Test Your OTP System

Before going live, test your WhatsApp OTP system to ensure everything works smoothly. Send test OTPs to different devices and regions to confirm the messages’ delivery speed, formatting, and security. Resolve any technical issues before the system is launched.

Step 6: Go Live and Start Sending OTPs

Once the testing phase is successful, you can launch your OTP service through WhatsApp. will automate sending OTPs to your users, ensuring a secure and smooth verification process.

Use Cases for WhatsApp OTPs

WhatsApp OTPs are versatile and can be applied in numerous industries and scenarios, providing a secure, reliable, and efficient way to verify user identities. Below are 16 practical use cases for sending OTPs via WhatsApp.

1. Account Registration Verification

When users create a new account on an app or website, sending an OTP through WhatsApp ensures that the person registering is the legitimate owner of the provided phone number. This method speeds up the verification process while offering additional security through encrypted communication.

2. Login Authentication

To protect against unauthorized access, businesses use WhatsApp OTPs for two-factor authentication (2FA). After entering the username and password, users receive an OTP via WhatsApp to complete the login process, adding an extra layer of security to their accounts.

3. Password Reset

When users request to reset their password, sending an OTP via WhatsApp can quickly and securely confirm their identity. This eliminates the security risks of sending OTPs via email or SMS, ensuring a smoother recovery process.

4. Payment Authorization

For online transactions, especially in e-commerce and banking, sending OTPs via WhatsApp helps verify and authorize payments. This extra verification ensures the transaction is legitimate, safeguarding users from fraud.

5. Appointment Confirmation

Healthcare providers and service businesses can send OTPs through WhatsApp to confirm or reschedule appointments. OTPs verify the recipient is correct, streamlining the process and reducing appointment cancellations or missed slots.

6. Online Banking Security

Banks use WhatsApp OTPs to confirm high-value transactions or access sensitive account details. The encrypted nature of WhatsApp messaging provides a secure platform, reducing the risk of data breaches and fraudulent transactions.

7. E-commerce Order Verification

In the e-commerce industry, WhatsApp OTPs can be sent to confirm purchases, order modifications, or cancellations. This helps businesses verify that the customer intended to make these changes, protecting them from unauthorized activity.

8. User Identity Verification

Businesses and service providers can use WhatsApp OTPs to verify user identity before granting access to services or content. This is particularly useful in sectors like finance, education, and real estate, where ensuring the legitimacy of users is paramount.

9. Subscription Confirmations

For businesses that offer subscriptions, sending OTPs through WhatsApp ensures that the subscription request is genuine. This reduces the chance of fraudulent sign-ups and helps verify the subscriber’s identity before granting access to premium content or services.

10. Access to Secure Documents

When businesses or institutions need to share sensitive documents, they can send OTPs through WhatsApp to verify that only authorized users can access these files. This use case is typical in law, finance, and education sectors.

11. Event Ticket Verification

For event organizers, WhatsApp OTPs can be used to verify ticket purchases or grant access to virtual events. Once a ticket is purchased, an OTP is sent to confirm the buyer’s identity, ensuring a smooth entry process.

12. Loyalty Program Redemption

Businesses with loyalty programs can use WhatsApp OTPs to allow customers to redeem rewards. By sending an OTP, businesses verify the legitimacy of the reward claim, ensuring only eligible customers can access their benefits.

13. Fraud Detection

For businesses prone to fraudulent activities, such as online banking and e-commerce platforms, WhatsApp OTPs can be used to verify suspicious transactions or logins. If an unusual activity is detected, an OTP is sent to the user to confirm their actions.

14. New Device Login Verification

When a user logs in from a new or unrecognized device, WhatsApp OTPs provide an extra layer of verification. This ensures that only the authorized user can access the account, even if someone has stolen their credentials.

15. Account Deactivation or Deletion

WhatsApp OTPs can be used to verify user requests for account deactivation or deletion. This prevents unauthorized users from making drastic changes to an account, ensuring the request is legitimate before proceeding.

16. Secure Data Access in Organizations

In corporate environments, WhatsApp OTPs can be sent to employees when they attempt to access secure data or systems remotely. This ensures that only authorized personnel can view sensitive company information.


In today’s fast-paced digital environment, ensuring security and convenience for users is crucial, and WhatsApp OTP offers a reliable solution for both. By using WhatsApp to send OTPs, businesses can overcome the challenges posed by traditional SMS OTPs, such as delays, security risks, and delivery failures. From account verification to payment authorization and fraud detection, the use cases for WhatsApp OTPs are vast, proving flexibility across multiple industries.

In this guide, we’ve explored the key benefits and practical steps for using WhatsApp OTPs, clarifying why more businesses are adopting this secure and efficient method. Whether you’re an e-commerce platform, a banking institution, or any business handling sensitive user data, WhatsApp OTP is a valuable tool to enhance security and user satisfaction.

Frequently Asked Questions

A WhatsApp OTP is a one-time password sent to a user’s WhatsApp account for verifying their identity during activities like account sign-ins, transactions, or password recovery. WhatsApp OTPs provide a secure, fast, and reliable way to authenticate users, leveraging WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption for enhanced security.

No, you do not need a special app. However, businesses typically need to use the WhatsApp Business API and integrate it with platforms like or other third-party solutions to automate and send OTPs via WhatsApp.

Yes, sending OTPs via WhatsApp is highly secure because of end-to-end encryption. This means that the message is encrypted and can only be seen by the intended recipient, minimizing the risks of interception and fraud.

Yes, just like SMS OTPs, a WhatsApp OTP will typically expire after a certain period, usually within a few minutes. The expiration time is set by the business or service that sends the OTP to ensure security and prevent reuse.

Yes, WhatsApp OTPs can be sent internationally without additional costs related to SMS charges. Since WhatsApp works over the internet, it bypasses international SMS fees, making it a cost-effective solution for global businesses.

If the recipient doesn’t receive the OTP, it could be due to network issues or incorrect contact details. In such cases, the sender can resend the OTP. If the problem persists, the user should check their WhatsApp settings or contact support for further assistance.

No, receiving WhatsApp OTPs is free for users. WhatsApp works over the internet, so as long as users have an internet connection, they won’t incur any additional charges for receiving messages, including OTPs.

WhatsApp OTPs help verify users by sending a one-time password to their registered WhatsApp account. The user must enter this OTP during verification processes such as logging in or confirming transactions, ensuring that only the authorized person can access the service.

Yes, businesses can customize OTP messages sent via WhatsApp. Using platforms like, you can personalize the message with your branding, instructions, and the OTP code, making the communication more professional and clear.

If there’s an issue with WhatsApp OTP, users should contact the business or service that sent the OTP. The company responsible for sending the OTP can provide support or troubleshoot any delivery or access issues.

Yes, if the service or business you are using supports WhatsApp OTPs, you can receive OTPs directly on your WhatsApp account. This method offers a faster and more secure alternative to traditional SMS OTPs.

If you encounter issues with WhatsApp OTP, try the following steps:

1. Ensure your internet connection is stable.

2. Check that WhatsApp notifications are enabled.

3. Verify your phone number is correct.

If the problem persists, contact the service provider for support, as they can resend the OTP or troubleshoot any system-related issues.

About Author

Raneya Selina

Raneya Selina

Content Marketing Strategist at

Raneya is a skilled Content Writer with over two years of experience in customer experience. At, she crafts insightful case studies and analyzes customer data to develop impactful strategies.

Know more about Raneya Selina

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